Entry #3: How I rid myself of bad breath at work today.

     My breath is feeling the heat from my last meal, so I pull out this circular container that makes it sound like I just pulled a maraca out of my pocket, to hopefully keep the stench of my breath under control. I open the side of the container that says “one” in order to get one small white and almost powdery disc with tiny crystal blue spots. I roll the small disc in my hand then throw it into my mouth making sure not to swallow it whole. As it sits there it has almost a sweet taste, but then the taste grows into a sharp cool strength. It’s taking a while for the disc to dissolve, and the refreshing and quite cool taste continue to grow until it takes over completely, ridding me of the stench from my breath. I take an exhale and I can feel the difference. Instead of breathing rot, it feels more like breathing out a cool wind of ice. The mint is now only a spec on my tongue, then it slowly fades until all that’s left is the lingering cold of a chill storm on the tip of my tongue. That’s when I take out my water bottle and have the best sip of water I’ve ever had.


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