Entry 10: Start of my Lo-fi Project

         I am starting a music project now that I hope to complete by the end of the year. This project will be a Lo-fi EP of just instrumental music to relax to. I want to use all kinds of real instruments alongside some digital MIDI instruments and interesting sound design. In order to accomplish this, I will set some parameters for what this project will include. It will have about 5-10 songs of varying length and also have album artwork made by hand. On December 31st of this year I want to post the EP on Youtube and share it with my friends to get their feedback.

In terms of genre Lo-fi will be the focus, so more somber and chill sounds will be more prevalent however, I do want to make some more fast paced and heavy sounding things, but making that sound fit in with a lo-fi vibe will be a challenge. I listen to Lo-fi myself when reading comics, doing schoolwork, and even when falling asleep sometimes. Lo-fi music varies in length, some songs are the normal 2-3 minute length while others are only 30-40 seconds. I will try to make at least 3 ”full” songs then as many of the smaller ones as I can. The part I like about Lo-fi music is that it can just be a small idea that gets left alone after it’s created. Some of the shortest songs can be the best ones. For example one of my favorite Lo-fi albums is “Harbor” by Tomppabeats and most of the songs on that album are only about a minute long. If I were to use anything for a reference for this project it would be the album “Harbor” by Tomppabeats. 

If I can create something close to “Harbor” by Tomppabeats I will call this project a success. I am going to dedicate at least an hour everyday recording and creating something for this project then saving it all to one folder. I won’t come up with a name for it until it’s done as I’m sure it will change a lot as I continue working on it. If I remember this post by the time I finish this project I will update it with a link to the project on Youtube.


  1. You have worked to develop your voice this semester and have improved at organizing your ideas to both inform and engage your reader.

    Good luck with your musical endeavors, Cameron!


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