Entry #7: Fresh Documentary

        After watching the documentary “Fresh” I was able to conclude that farming is a complex and divisive topic. This documentary showcases a bunch of farmers and details their experiences, from factory farms to more organic farms. The film is directed at the everyday person to inform them on different farming practices and how we can change the way we procure our food to be more efficient and morally acceptable.    

One farm that stood out to me was “growing Power” started by Will Allen in Milwaukee. His farm is in the middle of a bustling city in a small plot of land that has a kitchen, 7 large greenhouses and indoor and outdoor training gardens. Will Allen teaches people about Urban agriculture and how to grow sustainable and healthy food. In the documentary he shows off how they take food waste to feed worms in order to create fertilizer for the crops they grow. The documentary then shows a bunch of people grabbing handfuls of food that was grown right in front of them. It’s always interesting to see the whole process of how food is grown then eventually brought to the dinner table.

This film reminds me to consider where all my food comes from. When there is an obvious difference in quality between factory farmed and organically farmed food, its really hard to be blind to it when at the grocery store. “Fresh” does a good job at showcasing all kinds of alternative agriculture methods to lead us in a healthier direction as a society. I think more places like “growing Power” should be built and invested in as it felt like the most impactful part of the documentary. 


  1. I assumed that Will Allen's role in this film inspired your topic choice for our final essay. I'm glad you had your eyes opened to some new information through this film.


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