Entry 10: Start of my Lo-fi Project
I am starting a music project now that I hope to complete by the end of the year. This project will be a Lo-fi EP of just instrumental music to relax to. I want to use all kinds of real instruments alongside some digital MIDI instruments and interesting sound design. In order to accomplish this, I will set some parameters for what this project will include. It will have about 5-10 songs of varying length and also have album artwork made by hand. On December 31 st of this year I want to post the EP on Youtube and share it with my friends to get their feedback. In terms of genre Lo-fi will be the focus, so more somber and chill sounds will be more prevalent however, I do want to make some more fast paced and heavy sounding things, but making that sound fit in with a lo-fi vibe will be a challenge. I listen to Lo-fi myself when reading comics, doing schoolwork, and even when falling asleep sometimes. Lo-fi music varies in length, some song...