Entry #4: a never ending writers block
Creating something like music is awkward for me because I don't know if I'm creating it for myself or other people. As of now it's been all for myself as I don't really show anybody what I create. I want to write about this now because I want to start sharing what I create with my friends. First, I will tell you about my process a bit. When I sit down at my piano or pick up my guitar I like to just play random chords that I picked up from learning other songs and mess around with the rhythm, or just really just try to play them in different ways. My process usually goes something like this… I will start with just 2 or 3 chords then maybe an overlaying melody, then from there it gets more tough. The song can go in so many different directions it’s hard to choose a path. I will mess around with an idea for a few hours and if it’s good enough in my head I will hit the save button, however most of the time it will end up in the trash bin and deleted that very same day ...